How we're organised: When your child starts school

Brindishe SchoolBefore your child starts in our nursery the nursery teacher and nursery nurse will visit you, by appointment, in your own home. You can share information about your child and the nursery teacher will tell you about the nursery. The nursery nurse will begin to develop a relationship with your child and will bring photos and games to show the kind of activities your child will be taking part in at school. Before they officially start school, your child will be invited to visit the nursery and to stay for a little while with you.

On their first official day you will be able to bring them into the classroom and to stay with them until you feel they are ready to say goodbye. Sometimes children do find it difficult - take your time and if necessary only leave them for short periods at first until they are reassured that you will always come back!

All our staff are very experienced at helping children to settle in and will be able to advise and guide you.

Reception class
Brindishe SchoolBefore your child starts school you will be invited to a meeting with other new parents, the head teacher and classroom staff. There will be a talk about the school and about how you can help your child settle in quickly and easily. You will be shown round the school and will visit your child’s classroom. You can also begin to get to know other parents at Brindishe.

Before they officially join the class, it is important that your child visits Brindishe with you on as many occasions as you wish so that they feel confident and at ease.

Years 1– 6
Sometimes spaces become available in years 1– 6 and children may transfer to Brindishe from other schools. In this case the head teacher will arrange to meet the child and their parents/carers before the starting date.

New families will be shown round the school, and be given copies of this prospectus, our learning policy and our behaviour policy. Office staff will arrange for all relevant paperwork to be completed and once the child has met their new teacher, a starting date will be arranged.

New children settle in quickly - it doesn’t take long to become a Brindishe child.
