How we're organised: The governing body

Brindishe SchoolThere are 13 governors on the school’s governing body:

3 governors appointed by Lewisham council
The executive or associate head teacher
1 teacher governor
1 staff governor
3 co-opted governors
4 parent governors

Parent governors are elected by the parents and normally serve for 4 years.

Co-opted governors are invited onto the governing body by the governing body to add areas of expertise and to represent the local community.

The governing body is responsible for many important decisions in the running of the school. These include:

The governors also try to keep in regular contact with parents through newsletters and by organising and attending school functions and events.

A full list of governors is available from the school office. You can contact the governing body by writing to the chair of governors via the school office. The parent governors are also pleased to hear about thoughts, ideas and issues parents would like discussed by the governing body. Parent governors can be contacted via the school office.

Full governing body meetings are held once a term in the evening. The agenda for the meeting includes items from the local authority, directives and initiatives from the Government and school-based concerns.

Minutes of the meetings are available for public inspection. Parents and carers are invited to attend our governing body meetings as observers. The dates of full governing body meetings and information about the work of the governing body are published in the weekly newsletter.

Our governors have an agreed policy for governing Brindishe. It sets out how the governors will carry out their role and functions on behalf of the school. Copies of the policy are freely available from the school office.
