Who we are: Our school

Brindishe SchoolBrindishe is a community school where learning together is seen as a very important part of the education that we offer. The school building is open plan, which means the way we organise teaching and learning is different from traditionally designed schools.

Each year group of children or class has its own classroom. Each class also has a shared area outside the room and has access to smaller rooms. Children will use different spaces in the school depending on the curriculum area or the type of learning in which they are involved. They are not always confined to one classroom under the direct supervision of their teacher. You might imagine this creates a lot of noise. In fact it doesn’t – Brindishe is a very quiet and calm school. Children learn in a calm and considerate way and behave responsibly.

Being part of an open-plan school encourages a feeling of commitment and belonging in our children. They are encouraged to see themselves as part of the whole school, they get to know all members of staff and all members of staff know them. Teaching and support staff work closely together sharing responsibility for making a very organised and educationally stimulating environment, ensuring that resources are well looked after and available, and for helping all children to behave well and to become successful learners.

Brindishe SchoolAlthough Brindishe has a very informal feel, structure and organisation are important to us and we have clear procedures and policies for every aspect of school life. These are agreed by staff and governors in consultation with parents and are applied rigorously to ensure that Brindishe children achieve high standards, are well supported in their learning and develop a strong sense of community and good citizenship.

Brindishe has a modern well-maintained building and pleasant grounds. It is well resourced, not only because staff and children look after the building and resources very well, but also because parents contribute a great deal to the school and its upkeep.
