Brindishe at work - Special educational needs and learning support

Brindishe SchoolBrindishe School operates a policy of equality of opportunity and equality of access and inclusion. We operate the local authority’s admission criteria and special needs policy under which provision is made to ensure that all children are enabled to take a full and active part in a school which is able to meet the child’s needs and which supports parental preference.

We recognise that many children have special needs, that these may be short or long term and that there is a wide definition of the term ‘special needs’. In Brindishe we use the term ‘children who need learning support’. In meeting children’s needs the school follows the nationally described code of practice.

All needs are carefully diagnosed and recorded in school in consultation with parents. Where appropriate, extra help is organised as flexibly as possible. This may be in the form of support within the classroom, withdrawal from class to work in a small group or individually, or a combination of approaches. If needed, specific learning resources and materials will be used and adaptations made to the learning environment.

If, after discussion with parents, a child is considered to require more specific or urgent help, the school can refer to various support services, which are organised through the local authority.
